SAMBA Affiliations
The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) recognizes that many ASA members have a specialized clinical, research or educational interest in ambulatory anesthesia. ASA and SAMBA have established a collaborative partnership. SAMBA has a seat on the ASA's House of Delegates (HOD).
The ASDA's mission is to help dentists in both general and specialty practice treat challenging patients safely and efficiently, provide ongoing education for dental anesthesiology specialists, establish anesthesiology departments in dental schools and enhance clinical care through research endeavors. |
The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) is a multi-disciplinary, non-profit foundation with a vision that “No one shall be harmed by anesthesia care.” The APSF carries a three-pronged mission to improve the safety of patients during anesthesia care by: (1) identifying safety initiatives and creating recommendations to implement directly and with partner organizations, (2) being a leading voice for anesthesia patient safety worldwide, and (3) supporting and advancing anesthesia patient safety culture, knowledge and learning.
The European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) resulted from the amalgamation of the former European Society of Anaesthesiologists (ESA), the European Academy of Anaesthesiology (EAA), and the Confederation of European National Societies of Anaesthesiologists (CENSA) and holds the most prominent position in the community of anaesthesiologists in Europe and elsewhere. ESAIC’s vision is “to promote the professional role of anaesthesiologists, to improve perioperative patient outcomes by focusing on the quality of care and patient safety.” |
The European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy was founded in 1980. Since then, its objectives have been to stimulate research, promote education, and train anaesthesiologists in Regional Anaesthesia, Pain Therapy, POCUS, and Perioperative care, in Europe and abroad. |
HDARIM is the professional organization for Anesthesiologists and Intensive Care physicians in Croatia. Their goal is to educate their members on current relevant topics and sponsor cooperative meetings within the European Union. They have had an affiliation with SAMBA since December 2019.
The aim of the IAAS is to promote the development and growth of high-quality ambulatory surgery worldwide. To this end, it encourages an international exchange of ideas and stimulates programmes of education, research, and audit. Additionally, IAAS publishes a quarterly free-access journal.
Click here to access the SAMBA & IAAS Description written by SAMBA Past President, Girish Joshi, MB, BS, MD, FFARCSI.
SAMBA members receive a reduced membership rate to IARS. Membership to IARS includes access to our official journal Anesthesia and Analgesia. More information regarding the membership discount can be found here (members only). |
The Indian College of Anesthesiologists (ICA) was established in 2008 with the objective of complementing the Indian Society of Anaesthesiology (ISA) in its academic endeavors.
Accordingly, it is expected to function under overall guidance and supervision of ISA (National). Like ISA (National) the ICA too is a national formation in its character. It is envisaged that the ICA & ISA (National) should function together as integral parts of each other, supporting the efforts of each other and move ahead together.
The Korean Society of Ambulatory Anesthesia (KSAA) focuses on cultivating domestic experts in the field of ambulatory anesthesia, developing research and presenting visions in the field of ambulatory anesthesia, and establishing and promoting guidelines for ambulatory specialists.
Our partner membership program with MHAUS provides SAMBA members with a discounted membership rate at $30 a year to join MHAUS. The partner membership does include the same benefits as an active MHAUS member including 30% off of most educational products. MHAUS sends SAMBA members alerts and announcements on malignant hyperthermia that impact ambulatory anesthesia. Click here to read more about our partner membership program with MHAUS. |
SAMBA also has two representatives on the Joint Commission Ambulatory Health Care Professional and Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC). Through this role, SAMBA advocates for accreditation standards and policies that support the role of ambulatory anesthesiologists in their practices. |
SAESP promotes “excellence in the practice of anesthesia and patient safety, through continuing education, research, professional development and improvement of working conditions for anesthesiologists throughout the state of São Paulo” (Brazil). |
The Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology (SBA) seeks to be a reference for the anesthesiologist in training, education, certification and representation, through:
- Meeting the requirements of associates and applicable requirements,
- Continuous improvement of the Quality Management System processes.
The Columbian Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation (SCARE) and SAMBA work together to provide high-quality educational content to members of both organizations. This past year, SAMBA sent a group of members through our International Relations committee to give presentations at SCARE’s national congress in Barranquilla, Columbia. |